Business Excellence
NorthStar Network is pleased to share a structure for achieving operational excellence in Healthcare. Learn what it takes to be World-Class.

This Healthcare Business Academy Excellence Framework is inspired by the Malcom Baldrige Healthcare Excellence framework and is designed to provide a structure for achieving operational excellence in Healthcare.
NorthStar Network worked closely with Air Academy Associates, a world leader in knowledge-based management techniques and critical thinking, to expand and operationalize this Framework.
The Framework serves as the basis for assessing organizational gaps and identifying appropriate action plans to become World-Class.
If you would like your team to be World-Class, NorthStar Network can help you by leveraging our partnership with Air Academy Associates.
- Air Academy Associates will:
- Assess your Current State using a simple on line survey that integrates the collective wisdom and experience of your team members and or customers.
- Provide you will a detailed plan that identifies areas of opportunities and recommends the high return on investment priorities.
- Meet (in person or virtually) with you and/or team members to develop an action plan to become World-Class.
Click here to email George Maszle if you want more information
World-class Healthcare Business Excellence Attributes
The following are category descriptions of World-Class attributes each directed at achieving Business Excellence

Population Health
To achieve Population Health, World-Class organizations work collaboratively with other local stakeholders to bring significant health concerns into focus and address ways that resources can be allocated to overcome the problems that drive poor health conditions in the population.

Leadership and Culture
World-Class organizations have measurable performance objectives communicated to an engaged, accountable workforce, supported with action plans, performance measures, and reward systems that are role modeled throughout the organization.

Customer / Patient Focus
World-Class organizations put the customer/patient first, thoroughly understand their needs, actively listen to the voice of the customer, use it to initiate improvement projects, and have robust customer measures in place that are continually improving.

Vision and Strategy
World-Class organizations have well defined and understood aspirational goals for the organization with a long term plan to achieve these goals. These plans focus on customers, operational performance improvement and innovation, and organizational and personal learning and development.

Process Management
World-Class organizations have clearly identified their key products and services and the appropriate work processes that will create customer value and ensure sustained organizational success.

World-Class organizations build an engaged, happy workforce with clear goals, and performance management systems that inspire continual learning and provide opportunities for personal and professional career growth.

World-Class organizations have systems in place that encompass all results that will ensure a sustained, successful organization/enterprise. These include key process and products/services, customer and workplace focus, leadership, and financial and marketplace performance.

Innovation and Improvement
World-Class Innovation is all about learning proven processes for generating high quality, implementable ideas. Implementable, because they’re based on things you already have “Innovate Inside The Box”.
Innovation is all about the ability to build a culture that will provide your organization with a reliable source of new ideas and an engine for growth.

Information Technology and Management
World-class organizations recognize and capture the data and information necessary to achieve and exceed benchmark performance levels and have the systems in place to leverage this information to their competitive advantage.