Compliance Overview

With legislation as deep and sweeping as the Affordable Care Act, you need to know exactly what the law requires and prohibits. Unlike other areas in healthcare it is not always black and white. There are plenty of gray areas and in this course you will be able to identify and understand basic compliance concepts, obligations, and recent changes as well as basic fraud and abuse prohibitions.

Course Overview

Presenter: Eric Bach
Harris Beach, PLLC

This course provides a broad overview of compliance obligations and related legal provisions and prohibitions.  It will include the legal implications of the Affordable Care Act and other legislation as well as the influences of the Stark Law and the False Claims Act.

Time to view this course is 38 minutes.

Course Learning Objectives

Upon completion of the course you will:

  • Be able to identify and understand basic compliance concepts, obligations and recent changes
  • Understand the implications of the Affordable Care Act
  • Review the key differences between the Fraud Enforcement Recovery Act and the 2009 False Claims Act amendments
  • Compare and contrast the Stark Law and the Anti-Kickback Statute
  • Be able to identify and understand basic Fraud and Abuse prohibitions

Time to complete this course is approximately 45 minutes.

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