Michael E. McRae
President and Chief Executive Officer, St. Ann’s Community
Michael E. McRae is President and CEO of Rochester’s largest senior housing and healthcare system. He was elected to succeed Mullin-DiProsa after a unanimous vote by the organization’s Board of Directors in July 2013 and will be the third person to hold the title of CEO in 50 years.
“Having worked in Healthcare for 27 years, this is an incredible privilege, and I’m honored to step into this role and lead an organization with such an exceptional history and passion for care and service,” McRae said. “I’m looking forward to continuing the great reputation of St. Ann’s Community, which is founded on the quality of care that we provide, caring for ‘The Most Important People on Earth.’”
McRae holds a Master’s Degree in Human Services Administration from Buffalo State College and a Bachelor’s Degree in Gerontology from University at Buffalo, and is a licensed New York State Administrator. McRae is a Board Member of Visiting Nurse Association and the Sea Gate Alliance.
St. Ann’s Community is one of Rochester’s largest private employers with over 1,200 employees, and provides a varied range of services and care levels designed to meet the individual needs of older adults. St. Ann’s, a non-profit that is Caring for the Most Important People on Earth, serves seniors with two licensed, accredited and certified skilled nursing facilities, medical and social adult day programs, independent retirement housing, transitional care, assisted living, enhanced living, specialized dementia care, geriatric outpatient primary care practice, hospice care (in partnership with two local hospice agencies) and wound healing services across two campuses in the Greater Rochester area.