Collaborative Consumer Engagement

In the New Business of Healthcare, patients go from passive recipients to active participants. How can you leverage the “voice of the customer” in your ongoing improvement initiatives? Debra L. Ness, President of the National Partnership for Women & Families, shows you how to engage patients and their families and make them an integral part of your strategic planning.

Course Overview

Presenter: Debra Ness
National Partnership for Women & Families
Ms. Ness will provide a fundamental understanding and the basis for the practical application of collaborative consumer engagement.

Time to view this course is 55 minutes.

Course Learning Objectives

Upon completing the course you will:

  • Understand the business case for collaborative consumer engagement in health care facilities and how it leads to the goals of the Triple Aim—better care, better health, and lower costs.
  • Define “consumer engagement” and learn strategies and tactics for engaging consumers in meaningful, collaborative, and productive ways.
  • Learn best practices from other facilities across the country that have implemented collaborative consumer engagement and yielded successful results

Time to complete the course is approximately 105 minutes.

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