Leveraging the Leader Evaluation Process to Drive Alignment and Accountability
Presenter: Penelope Elebash
Solutions Leader
Studer Group
In Studer Group’s Evidence-Based LeadershipSM framework, accountability is the foundation. In Studer Group’s experience coaching 600+ organizations through this framework and utilizing our Leader Evaluation Manager® software, we have found that until leaders feel an urgency to align their behaviors to outcomes, the behaviors simply don’t stick. This urgency comes from an objective, weighted evaluation that provides a balanced approach to accountability. Just as this evaluation allows for leadership accountability for performance against the determined measurement of an indicator, it also provides the mechanism to recognize high performers when they exceed their goals. While objective goals certainly must relate to the business imperatives or the operational roles and responsibilities, ultimately this tool represents an individual leader’s performance evaluation and must also consider the individual leader’s skill set and need for growth and development.
This course has 2 parts. Time to view Part 1 is 30 minutes and Part 2 is 30 minutes.
Course Learning Objectives
After completing this course you will:
- Learn how to diagnose and identify gaps that exist in accountability, consistency and reliability in your organization.
- Understand why it is important to have standardized processes in place
- Be able to create a leadership framework that improves employee performance management
- Identify the four categories that help understand how to effectively manage change
Time to complete the course is approximately 85 minutes.
Presenter: Penelope Elebash
In her sixth year with the Studer Group, Penelope Elebash leads the Solutions Team, working to accelerate Evidence-Based LeadershipSM at partner and non-partner organizations. She specializes in cascading, weighting, and aligning metrics for our nearly 60,000 leaders that utilize the Leader Evaluation ManagerSM. Penelope has worked to implement the accountability methodology in several hundred organizations ranging from critical access hospitals to large systems. In addition, Penelope works closely with our partners on the impact post-visit phone calls have on preventable readmissions and HCAHPS.
Penelope graduated from Florida State University with a BS degree in Advertising and a minor in Business. Prior to joining Studer Group, Penelope consulted universities throughout the country providing leadership training to college students in various areas such as risk management, recruitment, finance, and education. She has a passion for non-profit work from her experience at The Able Trust, the Florida Governor’s Alliance for the employment of citizens with disabilities.
Studer Group’s values and strategy are a splendid fit for Penelope as she works with coaching teams and partners to improve patient care and organizational outcomes across all key result areas.
Developing Organization: Studer Group
Studer Group® works with over 850 healthcare organizations in the U.S. and beyond, teaching them how to achieve, sustain, and accelerate exceptional clinical, operational, and financial outcomes. We work to bring structure and focus to organizations through the creation of cultures of accountability and help set them up to be able to execute quickly. And with the rapid changes occurring in our industry due to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ushering in the pay-for-performance era, this ability has never been more critical.
As the metrics our industry publicly reports get expanded—and as reimbursement is increasingly tied to these results—organizations are forced to get progressively better at providing top-quality care with fewer dollars. We help organizations install an execution framework called Evidence-Based LeadershipSM (EBL) that aligns their goals, actions, and processes. This framework creates the foundation that enables them to transform the way they provide care in this era of rapid change.