Introduction to Actuarial Cost Analysis
Course Overview
Presenter: Susan E. Pantely, FSA, MAAA
This course presents basic actuarial tools and approaches used to assess risk in health care organizations. The focus is on helping health care professionals understand and evaluate financial reports that include actuarial data so that they can turn this data into actionable items vital to an organization’s success.
Time to view this course is 45 minutes.
Course Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this module the learner will be able to:
- Identify the uses of actuarial cost models
- Understand how to create and interpret an actuarial cost model
- Identify the factors that impact utilization and cost of services
- Understand how related analysis tools can improve cost-efficiency
Time to complete the course is approximately 80 minutes.
Presenter: Susan E. Pantely, FSA, MAAA

Susan has over 20 years of experience providing actuarial and consulting services to a broad range of clients, including large health plans, HMOs, commercial insurers, pharmaceutical companies, government agencies and healthcare providers.
Susan’s work includes rate development, provider contract review, reserve certification, capitation development, Medicare risk feasibility studies, HMO start-ups, HMO due diligence, and development of risk sharing and reimbursement arrangements for physician groups, PHOs, ACOs, and other integrated delivery systems.
Developing Organization: Milliman

Milliman is among the world’s largest providers of actuarial and related products and services. Founded in 1947, Milliman is an independent firm with offices in major cities around the globe. They are owned and managed by their principals—senior consultants whose selection is based on their technical, professional and business achievements.
Milliman serves the full spectrum of business, financial, government, union, education, and nonprofit organizations. In addition to their consulting actuaries, Milliman’s body of professionals includes numerous other specialists, ranging from clinicians to economists.
Despite their impressive growth over the past six decades, they still operate according to the guiding principles of their founders, Wendell Milliman and Stuart Robertson. They retain their rigorous standards of professional excellence, peer review and objectivity. They remain committed to developing innovative tools and products and providing expert solutions. And they continue to earn their clients’ trust by keeping their focus fixed on their clients’ business objectives.