Strategy 101: Key Questions in the Era of Health Reform

Healthcare reform will challenge everyone in the healthcare ecosystem to evaluate their short and long term strategies. Doing nothing is not an option. But where do you begin? This course is a great starting point. It covers the basic elements of a sound strategy. Why you need to define your Mission, Vision, and Values; and how to understand market forces, key influencers, and their impact on your organization’s evolving role and future success.

Course Overview

Presenter: Virginia Tyler, FACHE
The Camden Group

In this course, the strategy is defined and the challenges facing everyone in the healthcare continuum of care are identified. What are the right questions to ask? How can your organization understand the future influences and trends of the market in order to develop a strategy that integrates care across the continuum, while balancing cost and quality?

Time to view this course is 41 minutes.

Course Learning Objectives

In this course you will learn:

  • The basic definition of a strategy and its elements
  • The key drivers behind a sound strategy
  • The key influences on healthcare strategy today
  • The key elements of payment reform and their effect on healthcare strategy
  • The external influences to consider
  • A series of guiding principles to consider

Time to complete this course is approximately 94 minutes.

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