Robert P. Nasso, CPA, MBA
Partner (Senior Counsel), The Bonadio Group
Rob is a Partner at The Bonadio Group in the Healthcare Practice area. Bonadio works with over 500 healthcare organizations (Hospitals, Health centers, OPWDD/Mental Health organizations, Independent Practice Associations, Physician groups, Nursing and Assisted living facilities) in New York State. Rob is the Relationship Manager for many of the large healthcare clients of the firm. He is actively involved in numerous healthcare industry associations and frequently spends considerable time in Albany meeting with various regulatory officials. His background and experience provide him with knowledge in all facets of healthcare delivery systems including hospitals, managed care organizations, nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, home health care agencies, health centers and primary and specialty care providers. Rob has extensive experience in managed care working with Independent Practice Associations and other managed care groups.
Rob has been an active participant in numerous New York State Department of Health Workgroups (Nursing home acuity workgroup, managed care transition, joint task force and billing and payment and contracting committees).
Practice Areas
Healthcare consulting services, value-based payment systems, third party reimbursement systems/methodology (Medicaid and Medicare), reimbursement audits, cost report preparation, certificate of need applications, Office of the Medicaid Inspector General audits, healthcare mergers and acquisitions, state grant applications and healthcare facility construction and financing projects.
Professional and Community Affiliations
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
Healthcare Financial Management Association (Member and Past President)
Leading Age
Payment for Services Committee, NYS Health Facilities Association
New York Provider Association
Genesee Health Facilities Association
District 10 (Western NY) Health Facilities Association
Lifespan, Prior Board Chair and Treasurer
Country Club of Rochester, Prior Board Member
Catholic Health System (Buffalo), Prior Board Member
State University of New York at Buffalo, Master of Business Administration, Finance, Magna cum laude