Michael F. Rotondo, M.D.
FACS, Chief Executive Officer, University of Rochester Medical Faculty Group
Vice Dean for Clinical Affairs, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry
Senior Vice President, University of Rochester Medical Center
Professor of Surgery, Division of Trauma and Surgical Critical Care – Department of Surgery
Michael F. Rotondo, MD, FACS, is the Chief Executive Officer of the University of Rochester Medical Faculty Group (URMFG). A seasoned health care executive with an accomplished trauma surgical career, he leads an academic, multidisciplinary physician practice composed of over 1,700 faculty in 22 core specialty areas and more than 130 sub-specialties. Collectively, this group performs nearly 4 million ambulatory visits and procedures annually in central and western New York, and serves as upstate New York’s major tertiary and quaternary care center.
Beginning with his 2013 appointment as CEO, Rotondo conceived and led a bold, collaborative initiative to transform a loose organization of nearly two dozen clinical departments within the University of Rochester Medical Center’s School of Medicine and Dentistry into a fully unified group practice. Under his leadership, a robust governance structure was formed, which today drives major policy and process decisions within the clinical enterprise. He also successfully advocated for a more disciplined fiscal management approach, implemented a new faculty compensation plan, emphasized physician wellness, while setting expectations for critical performance standards to better reflect consistent, patient-centric practices. These new approaches, paired with significant increases in clinical volumes and revenues, have yielded a high-functioning care delivery system, anchored by six hospitals and 300+ ambulatory locations throughout central New York State.
Rotondo’s tenure has also seen an unwavering commitment to health equity, as he helped to stand up a structure and process aimed at achieving excellence in anti-racist, equitable and inclusive health care delivery, informed by cutting-edge science. Another transformation—the Think Digital First initiative—is well underway and will ensure the group practice’s continued success by introducing state-of-the art virtual tools to align with the patient journey including online scheduling, online appointments, and digital tools to increase patient engagement in their care.
Prior to joining URMFG, the Rochester native served as Professor and Chairman of the Department of Surgery, The Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University, and Director of the Center of Excellence for Trauma and Surgical Critical Care at Vidant Medical Centre in Greenville, North Carolina. While there, surgical volumes grew by double digits, he successfully broadened the array of complex surgical care for underserved areas of the state, and he was tapped to lead ECU Physicians, bringing the practice to profitability within one year.
A graduate of Georgetown University School of Medicine, Rotondo finished general surgical training at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital and became the first fellow in Traumatology and Surgical Critical Care at the University of Pennsylvania. He accepted his first academic post at Penn, quickly climbing the ranks to Associate Professor and Trauma Medical Director at its Level One Trauma Center. During that time, he published the seminal work on Damage Control Surgery, which established a new standard of care around the world, producing astonishing improvements in patient outcomes.
In addition to these notable accomplishments, Rotondo has also played a part in building and sustaining a national network of professional medical associations, holding increasingly progressive leadership roles throughout his career. He has served as Chair of the Committee on Trauma and Trauma Medical Director for the American College of Surgeons during which he helped establish new standards for trauma centers and trauma systems, He has also served as president of the Halsted Society, as well as president of both the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma and the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, the oldest and most prestigious academic trauma surgery society. He has been a member of the Editorial Review Board for numerous leading journals, and the author of more than 250 publications.